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Roro Technologies
Project Type
Communication Design
Brand Identity & Discovery
Logo Development
UI/UX Design
New York
Change your perspective to perceive the sublime. Rotate the logo 90°
Owusu-Agyei Group strategically worked with Roro Technology on its naming. We sought to create an identity that represented the pragmatic approach of the company. How do we create something different? Something unique? Something that grounds our ideas? Beginning with the eye, then mapping its contours. The goal was to create an identity by extracting the shapes and patterns of the human eye. By extracting these shapes from the eye, we concluded with a design that is elusive and filled with symbolism. This is because the eye allows one to perceive what is beyond. This symbolism represents the adaptability of Roro Technology.
Sketches & Diagrams
Sketches & Diagrams
human eye concept for logo human eye concept for logo overlay logo of tech company concept logo of tech company concept logo of tech company concept
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